The township of Kingsthorpe is 22 kilometres from Toowoomba on the north western side of the Warrego Highway. The main school grounds, enjoy an attractive garden setting on a gentle slope, affording pleasant views of the rural valley below.
The area is a mixture of farming and rural residential properties. A major drawcard for our school is the small school community feel. Visitors to our site often comment positively on the warm, welcoming tone in the school. A high percentage of parents with students at this school travel to Toowoomba to work and many of these parents utilize our Outside school hours care program.
The school's enrolment is around 230 in number, catering for the educational and learning needs of children aged from prep to year 6. Projected enrolments over the next few years should see the school grow steadily in size.
The dedicated teaching and support staff comprise a mixture of long term Kingsthorpe staff members and more recent appointees. Our school offers a curriculum which focuses strongly on literacy and numeracy and has invested heavily in technology in recent years. The building of a resource centre with 24 networked and internet capable computers, the provision of at interactive white boards/projectors, mobile devices and laptops for 21st century teaching approaches are testament to this. The school is currently investing in more wireless connectivity in teaching blocks.
Teaching practices are not only innovative but inclusive, with a range of intervention and support initiatives in place. We have an active choir involving boys and girls of years 3 to 6, as well as much enthusiasm from our older children for the instrumental music program (years 4 to 6).
The Parents and Citizens Association is an active and enthusiastic group who contribute to the overall school direction in a positive manner.
School staffing
Kingsthorpe State School is permanently staffed by:
The following specialist/support staff also service our school on regular timetables:
Special education teacher (5 days per week)
Health and Physical Education (HPE)
Language other than English (LOTE) - Japanese
Instrumental music teacher (1day per week)
Guidance officer (5 days per Term)
Visiting Speech Pathologist.